ACAC Hall of Fame Inductee: Yvonne Becker
Dr. Yvonne Becker’s important contributions to the Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference during her illustrious career simply cannot be overstated - and her accomplishments, while not often headline grabbing material, are both impactful and abundant.
Becker, an Associate Professor of Physical Education at University of Alberta-Augustana campus, has played an integral role in the development and vision of the ACAC and Canadian Collegiate Athletic Association (CCAA) since her involvement began in the 1980s.
She spent 17 years as a Sport Convener or a member of the ACAC executive from 1987-1998, and after a three-year hiatus, was back offering more wisdom to ACAC leadership from 2000-2006. In her first stint, her appointments were(chronological order): Cross Country Skiing Convener 1987-1988, Canoeing Convener 1988-1989 and 1996-1997, Secretary 1987-1991, Vice President 1991-1992, President 1992-1995 and Past President 1995 -1998. From 2000-2006 Becker served as the first ACAC Women’s Hockey Convener and returned to the Executive as VP (Operations) from 2003 – 2006.
Becker is widely recognized for championing the advancement of women’s sport, not only in the ACAC, but nationally and internationally as well.
As the Athletic Director at Augustana, she was also court side for many years with the Augustana women’sbasketball team as head coach, and instrumental in launching the since-terminated women’s hockey program at Augustana.
Above all else however, it could be argued she wielded her greatest influence as usually the lone female voice around the ACAC Conference Council table or with her male colleagues as a member of the ACAC Executive.
At the national level, Becker was instrumental in the growth of the groundbreaking CCAA Female Apprentice Coach program (FACP) – an initiative intending to provide opportunities for young female coaches and ultimately grow the number of trained female coaches. Now in its 12th year of funding from Sport Canada,post-secondary sport in Canada continues to reap the benefits of this pioneering program.
Becker was also the principled driving force behind the introduction and development of a number of ACAC policies including the Appeals Policy and Procedures, as well as the ACAC’s Harassment Policy.
Respected and admired by her peers right across the country, Yvonne Becker’s reputation is characterized by her work ethic, honesty and integrity which have contributed immensely to the growth and evolution of the both the ACAC and the University of Alberta-Augustana.