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Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference "To be Canada's premiere collegiate athletic conference by developing and inspiring leadership through excellence in academics, sport and citizenship"

Vikings finish their second last game with a win

Vikings finish their second last game with a win

What better way to spend your saturday then to play soccer? Augustana Vikings faced off against Medicine Hat Rattlers for their second last game of the season. Due to both teams played with determination this saturday afternoon, the game started off slow. It wasn't until minute 44 in the first half that #5 Vermeer for Augustana scored with an assist from #21 Boyce. Vermeer goal was a well needed goal to build up the momentum of the team heading into the second half. #11 Strange followed with another unassisted goal a minute later sending the vikings into half elated. Vikings scored 3 more goals during the second half by #5 Vermeer assisted by #8 Petterson, #17 Ubels assisted by #8 Petterson, and #10 Lalonde unassisted. With less than 10 minutes left Rattlers managed to score a goal from #16 Stroh assisted by #2 Bach. The final score was 5 -1 for the vikings. Rattlers player of the game was #13 Honig and Vikings player of the game was #5 Vermeer. Both teams demonstrated hard work and presidency till the very end.