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Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference "To be Canada's premiere collegiate athletic conference by developing and inspiring leadership through excellence in academics, sport and citizenship"

NWP Wolves host Olds College Bronco's

NWP Wolves host Olds College Bronco's

NWP host Olds College. NWP has its Make Some Noise for Mental Health Bike a thon taking place during the game. 22 stationary bikes are set up with 22 teams and 2 individuals biking for mental health awareness. 127 people participated  in the bike a thon.

Wolves start off strong in the first set with three back-to-back points. Broncos #6 Matheus Franco answers back with a powerful kill. An ace serve by the Broncos ties the first match 3-3. Broncos extend their lead 6-4 over the Wolves. Wolves #11 Josh Watson rises from the back row to get his first kill of the game. From the right side, #17 Chad Morrison gets the kill for the Wolves. Broncos still lead the match by 1 point. After an impressive rally, Broncos take the point and make it 8-6 over the Wolves. #10 Josh Dumont gets the kill for the Wolves. Broncos answer back in a big way with the kill. Broncos maintain their lead 12-9 over the Wolves. Wolves call a time out. Ace serve for Broncos #5 Aidyn Phillips. An out of bounds serve gives Wolves the point. Broncos answer back with #15 Phillip Sutherland gets two back-to-back ace serves. Wolves #15 Justice Bigstone and #17 Chad Morrison put up the wall for a huge block. Ace serve for Wolves #10 Josh Dumont. Another point for the Wolves after an impressive rally. Broncos call a time out. Broncos put up the wall and block Wolves from another point. Back-to-back net serves. Ace serve for Wolves #17 Chad Morrison. #17 Morrison continues with his serving streak. Wolves claw back within 1 point of the Broncos. Broncos call a time out. Broncos get the point after the timeout. It's 21-19 for the Broncos. Wolves #9 'Big Red' Tom Wheeler gets his first kill of the night. A two-touches call by the Wolves gives the Broncos another point. Broncos lead 23-20. Perfect placement by Wolves #6 Lane Matthews. Broncos hit it out of bounds for another Wolves point. The crowd makes the noise for Wolves #17 Chad Morrison who ties the game 23-23 with a major kill. Broncos answer back and take the lead 24-23. A net serve by the Broncos makes it 24-24. Broncos with another point. Wolves #15 Justice Bigstone ties it up again. Back-to-back point for Wolves #15! Wolves takes the lead 26-25. An ace serve by #10 Josh Dumont! Wolves take the first set 27-25.

Wolves start off the second set strong with a block by #6 Lane Matthews and #9 Tom Wheeler. Broncos answer back and take a three-point streak. #9 Tom Wheeler picks up the kill for the Wolves. #10 Josh Dumont rises up for the Wolves kill and ties the set 5-5. Broncos take a 2 point lead to gain a 8-6 advantage. Score is tight back and forth, but the Broncos keep a 1 point lead, score 10-9. NWP #11 Josh Watson with a kill to tie up the game. Wolves take a 2 point lead, and the Broncos take a 2 point lead, score 13-11 for NWP. Wolves take a 3 point lead, but the Broncos are able to fight back to tie it up at 15-15. Ace Serve for Broncos #09 Reed Grusing brings the score to 18-16 for Olds. Wolves battle back and take a 3 point lead, score is 21-18. Broncos call a timeout. Out of bounds for the Wolves gives the Broncos 19. Scoring tightens and the Wolves lead by one, score 22-21. The game is back and forth but  the Wolves take the set 25-22.

Third Set is quickly tied at 4-4. Broncos pull ahead by 2, but the game is back and forth, and scoring is tight. Tied up again at 6-6. Broncos gain a 3 point lead and the Wolves call a time out, score is 9-6 for the Broncos. Out of bound on the Wolves brings the score to 13-9 for the Broncos. Broncos maintain the lead as the Wolves calls another time out, Broncos lead 16-9. Broncos keep the lead and the Wolves struggle to catch the lead. Score is 20-12 for the Broncos. Wolves gain two pints but the lead still in favor of the Broncos, 23-14. Broncos take the third set. 25-15.

Fourth set sees the Broncos take an early lead 3-1 over the Wolves. Miscommunication by the Wolves makes it 4-1 for the Broncos. Wolves #17 Chad Morrison with his 6th kill of the night. Wolves #11 Josh Watson with a huge block ties the score up at 7-7. Broncos pull ahead but NWP #10 Josh Dumont ties it up with a block. Game is close Broncos pull ahead by 4 and a timeout is called by the Wolves. Broncos are able to pull ahead with a 3 point lead to bring the score to 17-14 for the Broncos. NWP calls a time out. Wolves take the first point after the time out. NWP's Tom Wheeler with the block to tie up the score at 17-17. Broncos pull ahead again and take the lead on the 20-17. Wolves fight back and close the gap. Score 21-20 for the Broncos. Broncos take a 2 point lead, for a score of 23-21. Wolves tie up with a double touch call on the Broncos. Score 23-23. Wolves take a 1 point lead and Broncos call a time out, score 24-23. Broncos tie it up again. With an out of bounds Broncos take the lead 25-24. Broncos serve is out of bounds, 25 -25. Back to back points and NWP wins the set and the game, score 27-25.

Player of the Game

Broncos #8 Lee Lappenbush  

Wolves #11 Josh Watson