2022-23 Basketball Statistics - NWP

FG %
3PT %
FT %
Team Summary
Title Record
Overall 1-19 (.050)
Conference 1-19 (.050)
Streak Lost 12
Home 1-9
Away 0-9
Neutral 0-1
Recent Results
Date Opponent Result
Feb 3 UAA L, 99-30
Feb 4 UAA L, 76-41
Feb 10 OC L, 73-52
Feb 11 RDP L, 105-40
Feb 17 at STMU L, 101-64
Feb 18 vs. SAIT L, 83-48
Team Stats
Statistics Overall Conf
Games 20 9th 20 9th
Points 904 15th 904 15th
Points per game 45.2 15th 45.2 15th
FG made per game 16.1 15th 16.1 15th
FG attempts per game 56.0 15th 56.0 15th
FG Pct 28.9 14th 28.9 14th
3PT made per game 3.3 14th 3.3 14th
3PT attempts per game 16.6 14th 16.6 14th
3PT Pct 19.9 14th 19.9 14th
FT made per game 9.6 14th 9.6 14th
FT attempt per game 17.9 8th 17.9 8th
FT Pct 53.5 15th 53.5 15th
Off rebounds per game 11.1 13th 11.1 13th
Def rebounds per game 24.6 11th 24.6 11th
Total rebounds per game 35.7 12th 35.7 12th
Opponents' Off rebounds per game 16.9 15th 16.9 15th
Opponents' Def rebounds per game 23.6 3rd 23.6 3rd
Opponents' Total rebounds per game 40.5 10th 40.5 10th
Rebound margin per game -4.8 13th -4.8 13th
Assists per game 7.3 15th 7.3 15th
Opponents' Assists per game 16.1 15th 16.1 15th
Turnovers per game 37.8 15th 37.8 15th
Opponents' Turnovers per game 21.1 9th 21.1 9th
Steals per game 9.9 10th 9.9 10th
Opponents' Steals per game 22.9 15th 22.9 15th
Blocks per game 1.1 13th 1.1 13th
Opponents' Blocks per game 1.6 6th 1.6 6th
Personal fouls per game 13.8 2nd 13.8 2nd
Offensive efficiency 0.493 15th 0.493 15th
Net efficiency -0.367 15th -0.367 15th
Opponents' Personal fouls per game 16.4 6th 16.4 6th
Offensive efficiency 0.860 2nd 0.860 2nd
Points per game allowed 82.0 15th 82.0 15th
Opponents' Field goal percentage 38.9 14th 38.9 14th
Opponents' Free throw total-attempts 26.9 13th 26.9 13th
Home Attendance 0 2nd 0 2nd
Home Attendance average 0 2nd 0 2nd
Field goal total-attempts 323-1119 15th 323-1119 15th
3 point total-attempts 66-331 14th 66-331 14th
Free throw total-attempts 192-359 14th 192-359 14th
Opponents' Field goal total-attempts 644-1654 15th 644-1654 15th
Opponents' 3 point total-attempts 118-439 14th 118-439 14th
No. Name Yr Pos gp gs min/g fg/g pct 3pt/g pct ft/g pct ppg
4 Gracie Reschke Jr G 18 17 28.9 1.4-6.4 22.6 0.7-3.1 21.4 1.1-1.6 65.5 4.6
5 Makayla Porteous Jr G 20 19 28.4 2.8-10.8 26.0 0.9-4.5 20.2 2.5-3.7 68.9 9.1
6 Abby Crown Fr F 20 18 29.3 2.8-10.1 27.2 0.3-2.5 12.0 1.1-2.0 51.2 6.8
7 Keeley Miller Fr G 20 - 7.8 0.1-0.5 33.3 0.0-0.1 0.0 0.2-0.3 57.1 0.5
10 Samantha Blum Fr G 20 4 16.1 0.4-1.9 21.6 0.2-1.2 16.0 0.2-0.7 30.8 1.2
11 Brooke Forsyth Fr F 14 - 16.3 0.4-0.8 54.5 0.1-0.4 33.3 0.5-1.1 46.7 1.5
13 Alexandra Mills Fr G 20 2 14.1 0.6-2.0 30.0 0.2-0.9 22.2 0.3-0.4 87.5 1.8
14 Alexis Lee Jr G 18 2 15.8 1.1-3.8 29.4 0.5-1.9 25.7 0.4-0.9 43.8 3.1
15 Paige Snyder Fr C 20 20 27.9 2.9-9.8 29.1 0.1-0.7 15.4 1.3-3.6 36.1 7.1
20 Raylene Badger Jr F 18 18 29.4 4.4-12.6 35.4 0.5-2.1 24.3 2.6-4.7 54.8 11.9
  Totals     20 20 201.8 16.1-56.0 28.9 3.3-16.6 19.9 9.6-17.9 53.5 45.2
  Opponent     20 20 201.8 32.2-82.7 38.9 5.9-21.9 26.9 11.8-17.1 68.7 82.0
Ball control
No. Name Yr Pos gp gs mpg off/g def/g reb/g pf/g dq/g ast/g to/g a/to stl/g blk/g
4 Gracie Reschke Jr G 18 17 28.9 0.6 3.4 3.9 1.6 - 1.9 5.3 0.4 1.4 0.0
5 Makayla Porteous Jr G 20 19 28.4 1.4 3.1 4.5 1.5 - 0.5 6.0 0.1 1.6 0.1
6 Abby Crown Fr F 20 18 29.3 1.7 4.0 5.7 2.1 0.1 1.3 6.5 0.2 2.5 0.3
7 Keeley Miller Fr G 20 - 7.8 0.3 0.5 0.8 0.3 - 0.3 0.9 0.3 0.1 0.0
10 Samantha Blum Fr G 20 4 16.1 0.1 0.8 0.9 2.0 - 0.3 2.8 0.1 0.8 0.1
11 Brooke Forsyth Fr F 14 - 16.3 0.9 1.4 2.3 1.4 - 0.5 2.6 0.2 0.8 0.3
13 Alexandra Mills Fr G 20 2 14.1 0.3 1.6 1.9 0.6 - 0.4 1.6 0.2 0.3 0.1
14 Alexis Lee Jr G 18 2 15.8 0.9 1.1 2.1 0.6 - 0.7 3.9 0.2 0.5 0.0
15 Paige Snyder Fr C 20 20 27.9 3.0 4.5 7.5 2.3 0.1 0.4 5.0 0.1 0.8 0.3
20 Raylene Badger Jr F 18 18 29.4 2.4 5.5 7.9 2.3 0.1 1.6 5.1 0.3 1.8 0.3
  Totals     20 20 201.8 11.1 24.6 35.7 13.8 0.2 7.3 37.8 0.2 9.9 1.1
  Opponent     20 20 201.8 16.9 23.6 40.5 16.4 0.1 16.1 21.1 0.8 22.9 1.6
No. Name Yr Pos gp gs min fg pct 3pt pct ft pct pts
4 Gracie Reschke Jr G 18 17 520 26-115 22.6 12-56 21.4 19-29 65.5 83
5 Makayla Porteous Jr G 20 19 567 56-215 26.0 18-89 20.2 51-74 68.9 181
6 Abby Crown Fr F 20 18 585 55-202 27.2 6-50 12.0 21-41 51.2 137
7 Keeley Miller Fr G 20 - 157 3-9 33.3 0-2 0.0 4-7 57.1 10
10 Samantha Blum Fr G 20 4 322 8-37 21.6 4-25 16.0 4-13 30.8 24
11 Brooke Forsyth Fr F 14 - 228 6-11 54.5 2-6 33.3 7-15 46.7 21
13 Alexandra Mills Fr G 20 2 282 12-40 30.0 4-18 22.2 7-8 87.5 35
14 Alexis Lee Jr G 18 2 285 20-68 29.4 9-35 25.7 7-16 43.8 56
15 Paige Snyder Fr C 20 20 559 57-196 29.1 2-13 15.4 26-72 36.1 142
20 Raylene Badger Jr F 18 18 530 80-226 35.4 9-37 24.3 46-84 54.8 215
  Totals     20 20 4035 323-1119 28.9 66-331 19.9 192-359 53.5 904
  Opponent     20 20 4035 644-1654 38.9 118-439 26.9 235-342 68.7 1641
Ball control
No. Name Yr Pos gp gs min off def reb pf dq ast to a/to stl blk
4 Gracie Reschke Jr G 18 17 520 10 61 71 29 - 34 95 0.4 26 0
5 Makayla Porteous Jr G 20 19 567 27 62 89 30 - 10 120 0.1 31 1
6 Abby Crown Fr F 20 18 585 34 79 113 42 2 26 131 0.2 50 5
7 Keeley Miller Fr G 20 - 157 5 10 15 6 - 6 18 0.3 2 0
10 Samantha Blum Fr G 20 4 322 3 16 19 40 - 6 55 0.1 16 1
11 Brooke Forsyth Fr F 14 - 228 13 19 32 20 - 7 37 0.2 11 4
13 Alexandra Mills Fr G 20 2 282 7 32 39 11 - 8 33 0.2 5 1
14 Alexis Lee Jr G 18 2 285 17 20 37 11 - 13 70 0.2 9 0
15 Paige Snyder Fr C 20 20 559 60 89 149 45 1 8 101 0.1 17 5
20 Raylene Badger Jr F 18 18 530 43 99 142 42 1 28 92 0.3 32 5
  Totals     20 20 4035 222 492 714 276 4 146 756 0.2 199 22
  Opponent     20 20 4035 339 471 810 328 2 323 422 0.8 457 32
No. Name Yr Pos gp gs min/g fg/40 pct 3pt/40 pct ft/40 pct pts/40
4 Gracie Reschke Jr G 18 17 28.9 2.0-8.8 22.6 0.9-4.3 21.4 1.5-2.2 65.5 6.4
5 Makayla Porteous Jr G 20 19 28.4 4.0-15.2 26.0 1.3-6.3 20.2 3.6-5.2 68.9 12.8
6 Abby Crown Fr F 20 18 29.3 3.8-13.8 27.2 0.4-3.4 12.0 1.4-2.8 51.2 9.4
7 Keeley Miller Fr G 20 - 7.8 0.8-2.3 33.3 0.0-0.5 0.0 1.0-1.8 57.1 2.5
10 Samantha Blum Fr G 20 4 16.1 1.0-4.6 21.6 0.5-3.1 16.0 0.5-1.6 30.8 3.0
11 Brooke Forsyth Fr F 14 - 16.3 1.1-1.9 54.5 0.4-1.1 33.3 1.2-2.6 46.7 3.7
13 Alexandra Mills Fr G 20 2 14.1 1.7-5.7 30.0 0.6-2.6 22.2 1.0-1.1 87.5 5.0
14 Alexis Lee Jr G 18 2 15.8 2.8-9.5 29.4 1.3-4.9 25.7 1.0-2.2 43.8 7.9
15 Paige Snyder Fr C 20 20 27.9 4.1-14.0 29.1 0.1-0.9 15.4 1.9-5.2 36.1 10.2
20 Raylene Badger Jr F 18 18 29.4 6.0-17.1 35.4 0.7-2.8 24.3 3.5-6.3 54.8 16.2
  Totals     20 20 201.8 16.0-55.5 28.9 3.3-16.4 19.9 9.5-17.8 53.5 44.8
  Opponent     20 20 201.8 31.9-82.0 38.9 5.8-21.8 26.9 11.6-17.0 68.7 81.3
Ball control
No. Name Yr Pos gp gs mpg off/40 def/40 reb/40 pf/40 dq/40 ast/40 to/40 a/to stl/40 blk/40
4 Gracie Reschke Jr G 18 17 28.9 0.8 4.7 5.5 2.2 0.0 2.6 7.3 0.4 2.0 0.0
5 Makayla Porteous Jr G 20 19 28.4 1.9 4.4 6.3 2.1 0.0 0.7 8.5 0.1 2.2 0.1
6 Abby Crown Fr F 20 18 29.3 2.3 5.4 7.7 2.9 0.1 1.8 9.0 0.2 3.4 0.3
7 Keeley Miller Fr G 20 - 7.8 1.3 2.5 3.8 1.5 0.0 1.5 4.6 0.3 0.5 0.0
10 Samantha Blum Fr G 20 4 16.1 0.4 2.0 2.4 5.0 0.0 0.7 6.8 0.1 2.0 0.1
11 Brooke Forsyth Fr F 14 - 16.3 2.3 3.3 5.6 3.5 0.0 1.2 6.5 0.2 1.9 0.7
13 Alexandra Mills Fr G 20 2 14.1 1.0 4.5 5.5 1.6 0.0 1.1 4.7 0.2 0.7 0.1
14 Alexis Lee Jr G 18 2 15.8 2.4 2.8 5.2 1.5 0.0 1.8 9.8 0.2 1.3 0.0
15 Paige Snyder Fr C 20 20 27.9 4.3 6.4 10.7 3.2 0.1 0.6 7.2 0.1 1.2 0.4
20 Raylene Badger Jr F 18 18 29.4 3.2 7.5 10.7 3.2 0.1 2.1 6.9 0.3 2.4 0.4
  Totals     20 20 201.8 11.0 24.4 35.4 13.7 0.2 7.2 37.5 0.2 9.9 1.1
  Opponent     20 20 201.8 16.8 23.3 40.1 16.3 0.1 16.0 20.9 0.8 22.7 1.6
No. Name Yr Pos gp gs min/g fg/g pct 3pt/g pct ft/g pct ppg
4 Gracie Reschke Jr G 18 17 28.9 1.4-6.4 22.6 0.7-3.1 21.4 1.1-1.6 65.5 4.6
5 Makayla Porteous Jr G 20 19 28.4 2.8-10.8 26.0 0.9-4.5 20.2 2.5-3.7 68.9 9.1
6 Abby Crown Fr F 20 18 29.3 2.8-10.1 27.2 0.3-2.5 12.0 1.1-2.0 51.2 6.8
7 Keeley Miller Fr G 20 - 7.8 0.1-0.5 33.3 0.0-0.1 0.0 0.2-0.3 57.1 0.5
10 Samantha Blum Fr G 20 4 16.1 0.4-1.9 21.6 0.2-1.2 16.0 0.2-0.7 30.8 1.2
11 Brooke Forsyth Fr F 14 - 16.3 0.4-0.8 54.5 0.1-0.4 33.3 0.5-1.1 46.7 1.5
13 Alexandra Mills Fr G 20 2 14.1 0.6-2.0 30.0 0.2-0.9 22.2 0.3-0.4 87.5 1.8
14 Alexis Lee Jr G 18 2 15.8 1.1-3.8 29.4 0.5-1.9 25.7 0.4-0.9 43.8 3.1
15 Paige Snyder Fr C 20 20 27.9 2.9-9.8 29.1 0.1-0.7 15.4 1.3-3.6 36.1 7.1
20 Raylene Badger Jr F 18 18 29.4 4.4-12.6 35.4 0.5-2.1 24.3 2.6-4.7 54.8 11.9
  Totals     20 20 201.8 16.1-56.0 28.9 3.3-16.6 19.9 9.6-17.9 53.5 45.2
  Opponent     20 20 201.8 32.2-82.7 38.9 5.9-21.9 26.9 11.8-17.1 68.7 82.0
Ball control
No. Name Yr Pos gp gs mpg off/g def/g reb/g pf/g dq/g ast/g to/g a/to stl/g blk/g
4 Gracie Reschke Jr G 18 17 28.9 0.6 3.4 3.9 1.6 - 1.9 5.3 0.4 1.4 0.0
5 Makayla Porteous Jr G 20 19 28.4 1.4 3.1 4.5 1.5 - 0.5 6.0 0.1 1.6 0.1
6 Abby Crown Fr F 20 18 29.3 1.7 4.0 5.7 2.1 0.1 1.3 6.5 0.2 2.5 0.3
7 Keeley Miller Fr G 20 - 7.8 0.3 0.5 0.8 0.3 - 0.3 0.9 0.3 0.1 0.0
10 Samantha Blum Fr G 20 4 16.1 0.1 0.8 0.9 2.0 - 0.3 2.8 0.1 0.8 0.1
11 Brooke Forsyth Fr F 14 - 16.3 0.9 1.4 2.3 1.4 - 0.5 2.6 0.2 0.8 0.3
13 Alexandra Mills Fr G 20 2 14.1 0.3 1.6 1.9 0.6 - 0.4 1.6 0.2 0.3 0.1
14 Alexis Lee Jr G 18 2 15.8 0.9 1.1 2.1 0.6 - 0.7 3.9 0.2 0.5 0.0
15 Paige Snyder Fr C 20 20 27.9 3.0 4.5 7.5 2.3 0.1 0.4 5.0 0.1 0.8 0.3
20 Raylene Badger Jr F 18 18 29.4 2.4 5.5 7.9 2.3 0.1 1.6 5.1 0.3 1.8 0.3
  Totals     20 20 201.8 11.1 24.6 35.7 13.8 0.2 7.3 37.8 0.2 9.9 1.1
  Opponent     20 20 201.8 16.9 23.6 40.5 16.4 0.1 16.1 21.1 0.8 22.9 1.6
No. Name Yr Pos gp gs min fg pct 3pt pct ft pct pts
4 Gracie Reschke Jr G 18 17 520 26-115 22.6 12-56 21.4 19-29 65.5 83
5 Makayla Porteous Jr G 20 19 567 56-215 26.0 18-89 20.2 51-74 68.9 181
6 Abby Crown Fr F 20 18 585 55-202 27.2 6-50 12.0 21-41 51.2 137
7 Keeley Miller Fr G 20 - 157 3-9 33.3 0-2 0.0 4-7 57.1 10
10 Samantha Blum Fr G 20 4 322 8-37 21.6 4-25 16.0 4-13 30.8 24
11 Brooke Forsyth Fr F 14 - 228 6-11 54.5 2-6 33.3 7-15 46.7 21
13 Alexandra Mills Fr G 20 2 282 12-40 30.0 4-18 22.2 7-8 87.5 35
14 Alexis Lee Jr G 18 2 285 20-68 29.4 9-35 25.7 7-16 43.8 56
15 Paige Snyder Fr C 20 20 559 57-196 29.1 2-13 15.4 26-72 36.1 142
20 Raylene Badger Jr F 18 18 530 80-226 35.4 9-37 24.3 46-84 54.8 215
  Totals     20 20 4035 323-1119 28.9 66-331 19.9 192-359 53.5 904
  Opponent     20 20 4035 644-1654 38.9 118-439 26.9 235-342 68.7 1641
Ball control
No. Name Yr Pos gp gs min off def reb pf dq ast to a/to stl blk
4 Gracie Reschke Jr G 18 17 520 10 61 71 29 - 34 95 0.4 26 0
5 Makayla Porteous Jr G 20 19 567 27 62 89 30 - 10 120 0.1 31 1
6 Abby Crown Fr F 20 18 585 34 79 113 42 2 26 131 0.2 50 5
7 Keeley Miller Fr G 20 - 157 5 10 15 6 - 6 18 0.3 2 0
10 Samantha Blum Fr G 20 4 322 3 16 19 40 - 6 55 0.1 16 1
11 Brooke Forsyth Fr F 14 - 228 13 19 32 20 - 7 37 0.2 11 4
13 Alexandra Mills Fr G 20 2 282 7 32 39 11 - 8 33 0.2 5 1
14 Alexis Lee Jr G 18 2 285 17 20 37 11 - 13 70 0.2 9 0
15 Paige Snyder Fr C 20 20 559 60 89 149 45 1 8 101 0.1 17 5
20 Raylene Badger Jr F 18 18 530 43 99 142 42 1 28 92 0.3 32 5
  Totals     20 20 4035 222 492 714 276 4 146 756 0.2 199 22
  Opponent     20 20 4035 339 471 810 328 2 323 422 0.8 457 32
No. Name Yr Pos gp gs min/g fg/40 pct 3pt/40 pct ft/40 pct pts/40
4 Gracie Reschke Jr G 18 17 28.9 2.0-8.8 22.6 0.9-4.3 21.4 1.5-2.2 65.5 6.4
5 Makayla Porteous Jr G 20 19 28.4 4.0-15.2 26.0 1.3-6.3 20.2 3.6-5.2 68.9 12.8
6 Abby Crown Fr F 20 18 29.3 3.8-13.8 27.2 0.4-3.4 12.0 1.4-2.8 51.2 9.4
7 Keeley Miller Fr G 20 - 7.8 0.8-2.3 33.3 0.0-0.5 0.0 1.0-1.8 57.1 2.5
10 Samantha Blum Fr G 20 4 16.1 1.0-4.6 21.6 0.5-3.1 16.0 0.5-1.6 30.8 3.0
11 Brooke Forsyth Fr F 14 - 16.3 1.1-1.9 54.5 0.4-1.1 33.3 1.2-2.6 46.7 3.7
13 Alexandra Mills Fr G 20 2 14.1 1.7-5.7 30.0 0.6-2.6 22.2 1.0-1.1 87.5 5.0
14 Alexis Lee Jr G 18 2 15.8 2.8-9.5 29.4 1.3-4.9 25.7 1.0-2.2 43.8 7.9
15 Paige Snyder Fr C 20 20 27.9 4.1-14.0 29.1 0.1-0.9 15.4 1.9-5.2 36.1 10.2
20 Raylene Badger Jr F 18 18 29.4 6.0-17.1 35.4 0.7-2.8 24.3 3.5-6.3 54.8 16.2
  Totals     20 20 201.8 16.0-55.5 28.9 3.3-16.4 19.9 9.5-17.8 53.5 44.8
  Opponent     20 20 201.8 31.9-82.0 38.9 5.8-21.8 26.9 11.6-17.0 68.7 81.3
Ball control
No. Name Yr Pos gp gs mpg off/40 def/40 reb/40 pf/40 dq/40 ast/40 to/40 a/to stl/40 blk/40
4 Gracie Reschke Jr G 18 17 28.9 0.8 4.7 5.5 2.2 0.0 2.6 7.3 0.4 2.0 0.0
5 Makayla Porteous Jr G 20 19 28.4 1.9 4.4 6.3 2.1 0.0 0.7 8.5 0.1 2.2 0.1
6 Abby Crown Fr F 20 18 29.3 2.3 5.4 7.7 2.9 0.1 1.8 9.0 0.2 3.4 0.3
7 Keeley Miller Fr G 20 - 7.8 1.3 2.5 3.8 1.5 0.0 1.5 4.6 0.3 0.5 0.0
10 Samantha Blum Fr G 20 4 16.1 0.4 2.0 2.4 5.0 0.0 0.7 6.8 0.1 2.0 0.1
11 Brooke Forsyth Fr F 14 - 16.3 2.3 3.3 5.6 3.5 0.0 1.2 6.5 0.2 1.9 0.7
13 Alexandra Mills Fr G 20 2 14.1 1.0 4.5 5.5 1.6 0.0 1.1 4.7 0.2 0.7 0.1
14 Alexis Lee Jr G 18 2 15.8 2.4 2.8 5.2 1.5 0.0 1.8 9.8 0.2 1.3 0.0
15 Paige Snyder Fr C 20 20 27.9 4.3 6.4 10.7 3.2 0.1 0.6 7.2 0.1 1.2 0.4
20 Raylene Badger Jr F 18 18 29.4 3.2 7.5 10.7 3.2 0.1 2.1 6.9 0.3 2.4 0.4
  Totals     20 20 201.8 11.0 24.4 35.4 13.7 0.2 7.2 37.5 0.2 9.9 1.1
  Opponent     20 20 201.8 16.8 23.3 40.1 16.3 0.1 16.0 20.9 0.8 22.7 1.6
Download roster: BRO (First Last) | BRO (Last, First)
Date Opponent Score fg pct 3pt pct ft pct off def reb ast to stl blk pf pts
Sep 30 # vs. LPK L, 93-34 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Oct 1 # vs. EDGE L, 78-47 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Oct 2 # at OC L, 82-47 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Oct 7 # vs. OC L, 85-42 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Oct 8 # vs. AMB L, 86-63 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Oct 8 # at TKU L, 83-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Oct 21 KC L, 80-38 15-53 28.3 1-11 9.1 7-24 29.2 12 31 43 10 47 16 1 15 38
Oct 22 KC L, 68-47 20-66 30.3 3-16 18.8 4-9 44.4 14 35 49 15 36 15 2 21 47
Oct 28 at CUE L, 80-41 14-62 22.6 2-12 16.7 11-20 55.0 8 22 30 6 15 8 0 13 41
Oct 29 at CUE L, 84-47 14-59 23.7 3-15 20.0 16-28 57.1 14 25 39 5 35 9 0 16 47
Nov 4 at LPK L, 70-33 11-53 20.8 1-21 4.8 10-24 41.7 14 31 45 3 39 10 1 10 33
Nov 5 at AMB L, 85-42 14-46 30.4 2-14 14.3 12-18 66.7 9 28 37 6 41 9 0 16 42
Nov 18 BC L, 68-48 16-59 27.1 0-14 0.0 16-28 57.1 12 22 34 8 49 20 1 18 48
Nov 19 MHC W, 58-51 25-74 33.8 3-14 21.4 5-15 33.3 16 35 51 12 37 19 1 19 58
Jan 13 at LAKE L, 95-52 16-52 30.8 6-15 40.0 14-25 56.0 14 22 36 7 43 8 1 12 52
Jan 14 at LAKE L, 87-51 16-54 29.6 6-24 25.0 13-23 56.5 10 17 27 2 31 8 0 13 51
Jan 20 NAIT L, 73-46 19-57 33.3 3-17 17.6 5-12 41.7 8 25 33 11 37 8 2 16 46
Jan 21 NAIT L, 80-48 15-71 21.1 5-23 21.7 13-21 61.9 7 31 38 8 28 6 3 15 48
Jan 27 at TKU L, 91-41 12-40 30.0 2-11 18.2 15-22 68.2 12 24 36 6 47 6 0 17 41
Jan 28 at TKU L, 92-37 10-40 25.0 0-15 0.0 17-27 63.0 6 23 29 5 35 11 0 10 37
Feb 3 UAA L, 99-30 12-61 19.7 2-16 12.5 4-11 36.4 10 16 26 5 30 9 1 13 30
Feb 4 UAA L, 76-41 16-65 24.6 2-16 12.5 7-8 87.5 11 26 37 9 34 7 1 6 41
Feb 10 OC L, 73-52 20-63 31.7 5-17 29.4 7-17 41.2 16 22 38 7 37 9 1 8 52
Feb 11 RDP L, 105-40 15-43 34.9 7-20 35.0 3-4 75.0 10 21 31 4 57 6 1 12 40
Feb 17 at STMU L, 101-64 23-52 44.2 8-23 34.8 10-16 62.5 8 20 28 10 44 10 6 13 64
Feb 18 vs. SAIT L, 83-48 20-49 40.8 5-17 29.4 3-7 42.9 11 16 27 7 34 5 0 13 48
gp fg pct 3pt pct ft pct off def reb ast to stl blk pf pts off eff net eff
Total 20 323-1119 28.9 66-331 19.9 192-359 53.5 11.1 24.6 35.7 7.3 37.8 9.9 1.1 13.8 45.2 0.493 -0.367
Conference 20 323-1119 28.9 66-331 19.9 192-359 53.5 11.1 24.6 35.7 7.3 37.8 9.9 1.1 13.8 45.2 0.493 -0.367
Exhibition - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Home 10 173-612 28.3 31-164 18.9 71-149 47.7 11.6 26.4 38.0 8.9 39.2 11.5 1.4 14.3 44.8 0.465 -0.297
Away 9 130-458 28.4 30-150 20.0 118-203 58.1 10.6 23.6 34.1 5.6 36.7 8.8 0.9 13.3 45.3 0.514 -0.448
Neutral 1 20-49 40.8 5-17 29.4 3-7 42.9 11.0 16.0 27.0 7.0 34.0 5.0 0.0 13.0 48.0 0.636 -0.422
Wins 1 25-74 33.8 3-14 21.4 5-15 33.3 16.0 35.0 51.0 12.0 37.0 19.0 1.0 19.0 58.0 0.566 0.096
Losses 19 298-1045 28.5 63-317 19.9 187-344 54.4 10.8 24.1 34.9 7.1 37.8 9.5 1.1 13.5 44.5 0.489 -0.395
October 4 63-240 26.3 9-54 16.7 38-81 46.9 12.0 28.3 40.3 9.0 33.3 12.0 0.8 16.3 43.3 0.473 -0.324
November 4 66-232 28.4 6-63 9.5 43-85 50.6 12.8 29.0 41.8 7.3 41.5 14.5 0.8 15.8 45.3 0.465 -0.215
January 6 88-314 28.0 22-105 21.0 77-130 59.2 9.5 23.7 33.2 6.5 36.8 7.8 1.0 13.8 45.8 0.506 -0.414
February 6 106-333 31.8 29-109 26.6 34-63 54.0 11.0 20.2 31.2 7.0 39.3 7.7 1.7 10.8 45.8 0.514 -0.461
Date Opponent Score Attend
Sep 30 vs. LPK 34-93 Loss -
Oct 1 vs. EDGE 47-78 Loss -
Oct 2 at OC 47-82 Loss -
Oct 7 vs. OC 42-85 Loss -
Oct 8 vs. AMB 63-86 Loss -
Oct 8 at TKU 49-83 Loss -
Oct 21 KC L, 80-38 0
Oct 22 KC L, 68-47 0
Oct 28 at CUE L, 80-41 0
Oct 29 at CUE L, 84-47 0
Nov 4 at LPK L, 70-33 0
Nov 5 at AMB L, 85-42 0
Nov 18 BC L, 68-48 0
Nov 19 MHC W, 58-51 0
Jan 13 at LAKE L, 95-52 0
Jan 14 at LAKE L, 87-51 0
Jan 20 NAIT L, 73-46 0
Jan 21 NAIT L, 80-48 0
Jan 27 at TKU L, 91-41 0
Jan 28 at TKU L, 92-37 0
Feb 3 UAA L, 99-30 0
Feb 4 UAA L, 76-41 0
Feb 10 OC L, 73-52 0
Feb 11 RDP L, 105-40 0
Feb 17 at STMU L, 101-64 0
Feb 18 vs. SAIT L, 83-48 0