Very Close senior night match for the lions.

Calgary, AB - Red Deer (2) at Ambrose (1)

In a soccer senior night match, Ambrose took on Red Deer for that last time on their home turf for the season. The final score of 2-1 in favor of Red Deer. 

Both teams showed immense determination throughout the match, with the first half ending in a scoreless draw. with two goals in the second half making the score 1-1, the game was tight. With a late goal in the 90th minute and 4 minutes of ectra time, put red deer ahead by 1. The 90th minute of the game was truly eventful, as it saw the issuance of two yellow cards and one final, thrilling goal. The intensity of the moment showcased the passion and competitive spirit of both teams.

Adding to the excitement, the match took place on senior night for the Ambrose Lions, making it a special occasion to honor the graduating players. 

The lions take on Olds on Sunday. 


Players of the Game

Red Deer Polytechnic| #7 Jaeden Swartz

Ambrose | #7 Aristotle Cruz, #11 Chan Lee, #23 Jake Club, #25 Travis Dolter, #28 Aiden Benoit